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Panasonic確認將於9/2揭曉新款全片幅無反相機Lumix S5

去年宣布推出可拍攝6K畫質影片的Lumix S1H之後,Panasonic接下來確認將會在9月2日透過線上發表形式揭曉新款全片幅無反相機Lumix S5。

, Panasonic確認將於9/2揭曉新款全片幅無反相機Lumix S5, mashdigi-科技、新品、趣聞、趨勢

相較Lumix S1H,接下來預計推出的Lumix S5可能會定位在相對入門規格,其中包含比Lumix S1H更為輕盈機身,但依然加入機身5軸防震設計,並且搭載可翻轉使用的觸控螢幕,而原本機頂右側的液晶螢幕則是被實體轉盤取代,更配置236萬點的電子觀景窗。

至於在拍攝功能部分,Lumix S5預期可對應4:2:2 10-bit 4K@30fps的全片幅拍攝格式,以及對應APS-C格式的4:2:0 10-bit 4K@60fps拍攝模式,而連拍速度則可達每秒7張連拍。

依照Panasonic的說法,Lumix S5將更容易滿足創作者需求,或許將藉由輕便攜帶,但提供豐富拍攝應用功能吸引更多使用者。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

The LUMIX new full-frame mirrorless camera. Stay tuned for the online launch event for the new LUMIX S5. . Panasonic is pleased to announce the holding of an online launch event for the new full-frame mirrorless camera LUMIX S5. . It will be unveiled at the LUMIX S5 website on Wednesday, September 2, 2020, at 14:00 GMT. . Panasonic is committed to meeting the passionate demands of all creators through its LUMIX brand, and the new LUMIX S5 is one of the embodiments of the commitment. . More information will be added and updated at www.panasonic.com/global/consumer/lumix/s/s5.html . #MovingImagesForward . #LUMIXS5 #S5 #LUMIX #LUMIXSseries #LUMIXS #Panasonic #FullFrameWithoutCompromise #videography #cinematography #photography #fullframe #mirrorlesscamera #camera #mirrorless #new #announcement #contentcreators #creators

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楊又肇 (Mash Yang)


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